Month: October 2020

The Cowboy Behind the TY Ranch

I could spend all day writing about Ty. About what an incredible husband, man, father & cowboy he is. He is a true example of loyalty, an honest man of integrity, always stands up for what is right, and the best horseman I know. He’s loving, tough, strong, full of […]

Where the Great Bucking Horses Retire & Lay to Rest

“12 grave markers sit atop the bank of the Bosque River on my ranch. Underneath lies some of the most famous bucking horses in history: world champions & NFR qualifiers. It all started with the first world champion bucking horse I retired named Rusty. His grave marker, which was stolen […]

Old Fashioned (Healthier) Peanut Butter Custard Pie

Peanut Butter pie is heavenly. I don’t like the kind with cream cheese. I love the old fashioned way of making a peanut butter custard and I’m definitely an extra crunch peanut butter girl. You can top this with meringue, cool whip or just leave it as is. It’s delicious […]

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Fun Fall Treats for Kids

Spooky Spiders, Fall Acorns & Pumpkins! Having a child has given me a reason to be creative in new ways. I remember many days when I was young, watching my Mama getting lost in creative projects for my sisters and I. She was the queen of making puff-paint sweatshirts, helping […]

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Unwind, Rewind: One Couple’s Rustic Campfire Cooking Journey.

Written & Submitted by: Mandy Calloway Of all the ways to unwind, campfires must be the most soothing to me. The sound of the wood crackling, the smoky smell that also brings warmth and light to every situation. Great stories are often told around the fire, but we often sit […]

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