Main Dishes

Thai Green Curry

So if you live in small town America without a Thai Restaurant but love curry like me this recipe is for you! Thai Green Curry is one of my favorite dishes ever! I love the heat, flavor, bit of sweetness, richness from the coconut milk, and healthy vegetables this dish […]

Turkey Patties or Sliders

While Ty and our friend Luke were working with the horses, I made a batch of the perfect 50% whole wheat biscuits. After eating a few of them with honey & butter, I joined the men down at the corrals and worked with my new Clydesdale, Sioux, for the first […]

Shrimp & Grits

I grew up in South Carolina where grits are a breakfast staple. Add some salt, pepper, butter and mix in your bacon and eggs and I’m a happy girl. My nana would make a huge pot of grits and she cooked them perfectly, not too thick, not too runny, and […]