“12 grave markers sit atop the bank of the Bosque River on my ranch. Underneath lies some of the most famous bucking horses in history: world champions & NFR qualifiers. It all started with the first world champion bucking horse I retired named Rusty. His grave marker, which was stolen but replaced, still stands at the first place I bought before moving to the ranch.
Rusty was one of the coolest bucking horses I have ever ridden. He was bucked 56 times in one year and was only rode once. I found out the stock contractor was still bucking him at college rodeos well after his prime. I called him up and said “Why don’t you send him to me to retire and live his life out comfortably on my ranch.” He agreed and sent Rusty and a famous bareback horse named Hermes Worm out to my place.
I never had a plan to retire bucking horses. However, when I found out Rusty was too old but still being bucked it made me mad. I had a lot of respect for this horse and wanted him to go out as the champion he was. Today, I have one last bucking horse still alive at the ranch named Boot Scootin’! These horses have been so much fun because they all have such fun personalities and have been hauled all around the country. Some of these horses just loved to be pet while others are happy just keeping a couple feet away.” – Ty Murray

In 2019, the last bronc we had at the ranch died from old age. Here is Ty’s tribute to Boot Scootin’.
Boot Scoot’n died yesterday.
He was 31.
He went to the NFR 11 times as a saddle bronc.
That’s 3 more times than I went.
I started retiring great old bucking horses 28 years ago. They now rest on the banks of the Bosque River with a grave marker that lists their achievements.
Hermies Worm
Satan’s Own
I’m No Angel
Miss KC
No Savvy
Good Times
And now Boot Scoot’n
Dad and I make Shoo Fly’s out of their tail hair for all of our saddles.
He is the last one that I’ve ridden that I’m aware of.
Getting to spend years with them has been so fun. Some of them became pets others remained BRONCY till the end. Their personalities were all very different and individual.
I think they lived good lives.
I know their retirement was perfect.
-Ty Murray

Ty has such a big heart, full of compassion towards animals. He is always looking to get a better deal for the horse. He really enjoys studying Tom Dorrance, a horse whisperer, for lack of a better word.
Loving 🥰your new site boots and biscuits Paige , I enjoyed watching the short videos too about Ty’s bull riding career and the bucking horse sanctuary, awesomeness at its best, I’ll pull out my Western Horseman magazine from Dec 2019 to read the article about the sanctuary. Lastly, I look forward to trying your many recipes, they look delicious. Thank you Paige for putting this all together to share with the world, we’ll done ❤️
This is so wonderful!